SOT Craniopathy

Cranial Chiropractic and treatment of Headaches

Steve Jones is a highly experienced chiropractor with 25 years full time practice and a certified craniopath since 2006.

He has an established a reputation for successfully treating long standing, chronic headaches which have defied more conventional approaches such as drugs, botox etc. Headaches can often be linked to other issues such as TMD - dysfunction of the TMJ (Temporo-mandibular joint) or internal issues such as hormonal imbalance. Direct trauma can also be responsible.

SOT chiropractors use gentle external pressures on the skull and also internal contacts within the mouth to restore cranial motion and correct alignment. This helps restore flow of cerebrospinal-spinal fluid and venous drainage of the brain. Important cranial nerves can become trapped as they exit the base of the skull, giving nerve supply for heart, breathing, gut function to name but a few essential functions. Realignment can correct this problem.

Many headache sufferers can also have psychological overlay with anxiety being amongst the most common. This tends to resolve as the treatment reduces pain levels and cranial equilibrium is restored.

So often craniopaths can help where other therapies have failed and we often see headache patients respond almost with anger as they realise that their problems could have been resolved decades before, if only they had sought the right approach.

The whole-body approach to treatment adopted by SOT treats the patient and is not symptom led. This means we often see others complaints, seemingly unrelated, resolve at the same time.

If you suffer in this way and are tired of taking drugs, which often fail to help, then call us to make an appointment and we would be happy to help you began the rest of your life pain free...

We look forward to hearing from you!


Another excuse to lay out in the sun - Vitamin D