Steve Jones Chiropractic
Knee pain
Knee pain
At Steve jones Chiropractic we take pride in conducting a comprehensive examination that considers the bodies’ alignment from head to toe. Since the human knee joint is quite low down in that column of bones it has a great load to bare. Often a patient with knee pain will have visited their GP and perhaps had X-rays or MRI scans done. Inevitably something will be seen; perhaps wear and tear osteoarthritis and this will be determined as the culprit for their pain. However, a detailed chiropractic examination sees the diagnosis through different lens.
The most common cause of back pain is a sprained/hypermobile sacroiliac joint which causes pelvic misalignment. That then affects the direction of your hip socket (acetatabulum) and therefore the direction in which the whole leg faces outward. This now affects the forces passing through the knee joint itself. It may result in stretching of the inside or the outside ligaments of the knee, contributing to knee instability. Otherwise, it may be a front to back misalignment whereby the tibia and femur are not correctly aligned. This latter problem is easily corrected by chiropractic extremity adjusting as performed here at Steve jones Chiropractic in Pinner.
You may be understanding by now that its not just the knee that needs help but, moving back up the ‘chain’, the hip joint (coxa-femoral joint) and also the pelvic sacro-iliac joints must be treated in order for any knee adjustment to hold firm.
Clearly, there are times when, as in the case of severe knee trauma, when surgery is the only option. However, their are many more occasions on which the knee can be treated conservatively, as performed here at Steve Jones Chiropractic, Pinner, thereby avoiding the knee for arthroscopy or other surgical intervention.
So if you have persistent knee pain and prefer not to have surgery, or wish to delay it as long as possible, why not give us a call here at Steve jones Chiropractic clinic in Pinner, Middlesex to discuss your case.