Steve Jones Chiropractic

Cranial Chiropractic in Pinner

Cranial Chiropractic Clinic Pinner

Cranial chiropractic

Only a few dozen Board Certified Craniopaths exist in the UK at the time of writing. This is a highly specialised skill that requires three years of training to qualify and is a post-graduate certification.

Craniopathy is the art and science of cranial adjusting which deals with correction of dural membrane alignment (your brains’ internal scaffolding) and restores the normal pulsations of the cranium which allow cerebro-spinal fluid to circulate around the central nervous system.

The birth process can be a traumatic time for a delicate newborns’ cranium and often issues go undetected at that time. This can lead to a litany of problems both in the neo-natal period and later in childhood and adult life.

We spend many years studying these skills and undergo a rigorous examination process to qualify as SOT Craniopaths.

Even sportsmen and professional athletes will benefit from this, often overlooked aspect of health and performance. It can give you the extra 10% you need, even if you feel fit and healthy!