Frequently asked questions

If you have never been to a chiropractor before, no doubt you will have many questions to ask us. Here we provide some quick answers about the treatment we offer and how it works.

Should any topic not be covered please feel free to call us and speak to your chiropractor directly, or alternatively get in touch.

What qualifications do you hold?
Chiropractors are legally required to undertake a minimum, degree standard education culminating in a Bachelors or Masters degree. This is under the auspices of The General Chiropractic Council, with whom all chiropractors must be registered by law (he Chiropractic Act 1994) and must complete minimum CPD requirements annually.

Steve Jones also holds the advanced qualification in SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) and is a Board Certified Craniopath.

What is the duration of a typical treatment course?
Obviously this varies enormously with age, chronicity (how long you’ve had it) and lifestyle factors (e.g. diet and nutrition, stress etc.). An average course tends to last between 8 and 12 treatments followed by ongoing maintenance care to keep things ‘tuned up’.

What conditions can we treat?
Sacro-Occipital Technique provides excellent post graduate training in paediatrics and pregnancy, sports injuries, extremity correction as well as treating the organs, using CMRT (Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique). Most important, however, are your chiropractors’ specialised skills as a craniopath which are unique to the Hillingdon area. This is particularly relevant when dealing with pelvic/lumbar problems but also with other complaints such as headaches and neck pain.

Is treatment painful?
Not at all. However, if you come to us in pain already some of the ‘provoking’ tests we use may be mildly uncomfortable at the time. Manipulation itself does not hurt. We modify our techniques when treating children.

Is the treatment integrated with other possible healthcare providers?
Absolutely. We have close relationships with local GPs and also a specialist dentist to whom we refer for problems of occlusion (bite). Any condition which is considered to be outside our remit will be referred on to a suitable healthcare professional.

Please get in touch if you have any other questions