Back to School - Chiropractic and kids

Do you worry about the amount of weight your child has to carry to school? Or the amount of time they spend sat in front of a computer or TV screen? If your child is typical of the average then you probably should. All of these modern days stresses take there toll on a child’s posture just at the time when they are growing and changing fastest.

The good news is that something can be done about it! With chiropractic care and craniopathic intervention you can ‘set up’ your child for life with treatment directed at balancing the cranium and pelvis, thereby aligning the spine correctly. Changes made before puberty can be truly profound whereas those after are made to a skeletal system that has already begun to fuse with respect to the growth plates.

cranio-sacral function will also enhance CSF (cerebro-spinal fluid) flow, the vital fluids of the central nervous system. Why is this important? Because your child IS their central nervous system; their intellect, drive, energy, mood are all mediated by neurotransmitters which are dependent upon good CSF flow.

Last but certainly not least… NUTRITION !!

The word guaranteed to strike trepidation into the heart of every parent. Good nutrition is the cornerstone of good health in a growing child and has direct implications for a healthy skeletal system. A diet rich in sugar and refined carbs (bread, pasta) will undoubtedly affect their cranio-sacral function which in turn influences alignment/posture and thought processes. Nobody is suggesting a monastic diet be implemented but educating children about the adverse affects of poor nutrition and making some small corrections to their diet can result in big changes.

Why not bring your kids along for a free check-up first, to see if they have any problems brewing up that you may not know about.


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