3 Reasons for having a bad back

Injury or Trauma

Although back pain can commonly arise from lifting, an underlying cause is usually there in the background waiting to grab you unexpectedly.  More about this below..

The most common form of weakness is a sprained sacro-iliac joint (SIJ) in the pelvis.  This is very common in ladies after giving birth and rarely self-resolves.  Chiropractic adjustments by your chiropractor can be very effective in dealing with this, especially when done along with lifestyle advice.  Taking analgesic medication only serves to mask the pain and potentially worsens the problem.

Most people have heard of a ’slipped disc’ but perhaps don’t realise that it is the sprained sacro-iliac joint that usually precedes this injury.  With SOT chiropractic we unravel that process by first bringing the pain out of the leg, then lumbar spine, then SIJ, thus providing a lasting resolution. In more extreme cases, however, surgery may be the only option.

Unhealthy Choices

Smoking, poor diet and obesity are all significant contributors to weakening of the SIJs and all that follows on from that.  All cells in the human body metabolise; they take in oxygen and nutrients and having produced energy they create waste.  The efficiency of this process is highly dependent on the nutrients (diet) we put into our body.  A healthy diet plus some key supplements are, therefore, essential to both avoiding back pain and healing from it.

Medical Conditions

Some people are just unlucky and for various reasons can have a range of health problems from scoliosis to arthritis.  Although not all of these can be fully resolved, chiropractic can do a lot to mitigate the effects of the disease and make peoples life more comfortable.  Chiropractors have a range of techniques at their disposal and can adapt their approach to suit the patients particular circumstances.  Adjustments (cracking the spine) is not suitable for everyone and your chiropractor, from their extensive training, understands this.


Headaches: The chiropractic approach


Back to School - Chiropractic and kids